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Welcome to the Center for Precision Medicine and Integrative Health in Gran Canaria


Welcome to the Center for Precision Medicine and Integrative Health.
State-of-the-art Science. Compassionate Medicine

Our services

Integrative health

At PrecisionMed we investigate the molecular and genetic bases of disease, as well as the interaction among the biological, psychological and environmental determinants of health of each patient.

We approach your current health condition considering the underlying causes that will enable us to apply the safest and most efficient therapy, with the goal to improve your quality of life, minimize suffering and, whenever possible, to fully restore your health.

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Precision medicine and nutrigenomics

We use the latest advances in genomics with a proactive approach to health. We apply personalized precision medicine with state-of-the-art diagnostics and treatments that include the fields of epigenetics, pharmacogenomics or exposomics.

Given the leading role of nutrition in our health, nutritional genomics services will provide you with the information and plan adjusted to your profile.

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Genetic counseling

Our Genetics Unit includes the diagnosis and counseling in the context of genomics and human genetics.

We provide prenatal and reproductive counseling; carrier and predictive testing for genetic conditions associated with cancer, cardiovascular diseases, dystrophies, metabolic disorder, infertility; neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders, among others. We also study chromosomal anomaĺias and familial diseases.

We will help you interpreting the results of genetic analysis with the latest scientific evidence.

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Medicina de precisión
Dr. Luis Falcon
Dr. Luis Falcon

Dr. Luis Falcón


Dr. Luis Falcón is a physician and computer scientist, specialized in genomics and medical genetics.
In his work as a physician and scientist, he has years of experience in the field of Public Health and multilateral institutions such as the World Health Organization, United Nations and prestigious universities around the world.
Dr. Falcón is a member of the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) and the European Society for Integrative Medicine (ESIM).